Titles & Offices


  1. Criado; retainer; gentleman-in-waiting (when associated to the household of a monarch or a lord).
  2. Criado; domestic servant.


  1. Royal Council.  [Pedro, ch. 23: 13, 82; ch. 32: 28; ch. 39: 45; ch. 40: 27; Fernando, ch. 27: 13; ch. 59; 9-10] (CW)
  2. Advice; course of action. [Pedro, ch. 38: 51]
  3. Haver conselho: to discuss an issue; to sonsult advisors on a given issue; to deliberate in council. [Pedro, ch. 38: 31; ch. 40: 15-16] (CW)
  4. Ordenado em conselho: decided in the Royal Council. [Pedro, ch. 39: 45]


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