Titles & Offices


  1. Officer of the Marches, Marcher Lord.
  2. Guardian of the borders.
  3. Someone appointed to defend the border or in charge of the border troops; someone in charge of the defence of a border region.


  1. Gentlewoman of the bedchamber.
  2. The same as cuvilheira.
  3. Gentlewoman of the bedchamber in charge of the cleanliness and good order of a noble person's room, bed, clothing, and of helping a noble person to dress or undress. See: Joaquim de Santa Rosa Viterbo,  Elucidário das palavras, termos e frases que em Portugal antigamente se usaram e que hoje regularmente se ignoram, v. 1, p. 239 (Lisboa : A. J. Fernandes Lopes, 1865). 


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