Titles & Offices


  1. Chief provincial governor. (CW)
  2. An 'alcaide-mor' had jurisdiction over a province or a fortified city. In English, the word 'governor' often implies civil (i.e. juridical) and military governance, which is also the case with the Portuguese office of 'alcaide-mor'. Compare with Alcaide. (CW)



  1. Someone in a position of trust with someone else.
  2. Counsellor. [See: Armando Luis de Carvalho Homem, Conselho real ou conselheiros do rei? A propósito dos 'privados' de D. João I, offprint of Revista da Faculdade de Letras do Porto (Porto,1987), 26-30.]
  3. Confidential courtier; confidential adviser. (CW) [Pedro, ch. 30: 25]
  4. Private counsellor. [Pedro, ch.38: 31] (CW) [Fernando, ch. 49: 43; ch. 59: 8; CKJ1, ch.76]
  5. Privy counsellor. [Pedro, ch. 27: 20] (AH)

Alcalde entregador (Sp.) RCG -> AH

Chief justice.
[See Helen Nader, The Library of Iberian Resources Online, 'The Mendoza Family in the Spanish Renaissance 1350-1550, chap. 2, http://libro.uca.edu/mendoza/msr2.htm]
Alcalde entregador [de la Mesta?] - Chief official of the Mesta, the organization of wool producers of Castile, who oversaw the flocks of the realm and was also a member of the king's council [Carla Rahn Phillips and William D. Phillips, Spain's Golden Fleece, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, 45]


  1. Nanny (in charge of the domestic education of a child).
  2. Governess (lady appointed as educator of a child). [João1, ch. 57: 7 ??]
  3. Personal companion (attending to a lady of high birth, as in the case of Beatriz Gonçalves  'aia' to Queen Philippa). [João2, ch. 129]
  4. Lady-in-wating (attending to royalty).


  1. Chief Provincial Governor. (CW) [Pedro, ch. 30: 59; ch. 32: 12]
  2. Chief Justice within a specific territory. 
  3. The most important magistrate within a frontier province. (CW)
  4. The same as meirinho-mor. (CW)


  1. Mealha; copper coin of little value. In fact, a mealha was a dinheiro literally cut in half, occasionally even cut into quarters.
  2. 1 mealha = 1/2 dinheiro.


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