

  1. Arrowslit.
  2. Narrow opening on defensive wall allowing archers to shoot arrows on the enemy from a sheltered vantage point.


  1. Arming cap.
  2. Padded coif, usually made of linen, wool, even leather, used to protect the head from chaffing against the helmet or mail coif, and to improve the fitting of the helmet.
  3. See: Mário José Silva Meleiro, '"Novidade de Palavras" no Português do século XV', Ph.D. thesis in Historical Linguistics, Universidade Clássica de Lisboa, 2011, p. 89.


  1. Camail; aventail.
  2. A mantle, usually of mail but sometimes of padded textile only or composed of small scales or plates of iron or steel, attached to the bascinet to protect the neck and shoulders. (TC)
  3. Bibl: J. Gouveia Monteiro, A Guerra em Portugal em fins da Idade Média (Lisboa: Editorial Notícias, 1998), p. 535.


  1. Manguela (Port.); staff sling; stave sling.
  2. Sling mounted on a stave. This sling was relatively small, but because it was mounted on a staff and it could be swang with both hands, it was capable of sending stone projectiles to considerable height, even over castle walls.
  3. Funda de manguela: staff sling. [João1, ch.135]

Funda fuste

  1. Staff sling; stave sling.
  2. 'Fustibale' in French.
  3. Sling mounted on a staff or stave, which coud be over two yards long. These were particularly powerful and could hurl stones over castle walls.


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