

  1. Rampart.
  2. Defensive wall encircling a castle or city, usually wide enough to allow for a walkway on the top.

Pedra perdida

  1. Rubble.
  2. During the second Guerra Fernandina, King Enrique II of Castile ordered four siege engines to throw rubble, pedra perdida, at the walls of the besieged city of Lisbon (1373). [Fernando ch. 80: 45-47]


  1. Tari; type of bit used in bridles for jennets, a lighter horse popular in the Middle Ages.
  2. Bibl:  Meleiro, Mário José Silva, '"Novidade de Pallavras" no Português do Século XV', Ph.D. thesis in Historical Linguistics (Universidade Clássica de Lisboa, 2011), ch. 3, p. 110.


Mine; excavation under a castle or city wall to gain underground access and/or to undermine it.


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