João Afonso Telo, 6th Count of Barcelos

  1. Brother of Dona Leonor Teles and nephew of João Afonso Telo de Meneses, Count of Barcelos and 1st Count of Ourém, known as the Old Count.
  2. Alternative hostage to be sent to Enrique II of Castile and guarantor of the conditions agreed in the Treaty of Alcoutim (1371). His brother Gonçalo Teles was the other alternative. Their cousin João Afonso Telo de Meneses, the son of the 'Old Count', João Afonso Telo Count of Barcelos and Ourém was another hostage and guarantor.
  3. Became Governor of the castle of Lisbon and Admiral of the Portuguese fleet.
  4. According to Fernão Lopes, his sister Queen Leonor Teles contrived to give him as vassals many valiant knights such as Martim Afonso Valente, who held the castle of Lisbon on his behalf, as well as Estêvão Vasques Filipe, Afonso Eanes Nogueira, Afonso Furtado, Afonso Estêvão de Azambuja and Antão Vasques. She also gave him many squires such as Pero Vasques de Pedra Alçada, and Pedro Eanes Lobato. [Fernando, ch. 65: 40-47]
  5. Is appointed Admiral of the Portuguese fleet after Admiral Lançarote Passanha fails miserably to halt the attack of the Castilian fleet on his galleys in front of Lisbon. Instead of fighting, Pessanha abandoned his command to go ashore seeking orders. [Fernando, ch. 74: 66-71]
Joham Affonso Tello
Joham Affonsso Tello

Chronicle entries in which João Afonso Telo, 6th Count of Barcelos appears:

Events associated with João Afonso Telo, 6th Count of Barcelos

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