Peita Tax. [Pedro, ch. 13: 4; João 2, ch. 76] Bribe; inducement. (CW) [Pedro, ch. 5: 22, 28, 31; ch. 13: 48]
Almoxarife High steward. (CW) Treasurer and Receiver General. [CKJ1, ch. 27] (NR) Almoxarife das Casas e Tendas - Treasurer and Receiver General of revenues from houses and shops. [CKJ1, ch. 27] Almoxarife do Celeiro - High Steward of the Grannary. [João1, ch. 140]
Adiantado-mor Chief Provincial Governor. (CW) [Pedro, ch. 30: 59; ch. 32: 12] Chief Justice within a specific territory. The most important magistrate within a frontier province. (CW) The same as meirinho-mor. (CW)
Comenda Commandery. [Pedro, ch.18: 41] Benefit or estate bestowed on someone as a reward for services rendered.