Fazenda Estate. Financial affairs. [Pedro, ch. 13: 21] "fazenda real", "fazenda do rei", "sua [do rei] fazenda": the Crown estate. [Pedro, ch. 4: 19]
Desembargo Law case. [Pedro, ch. 4: 12] Judicial decision. [Pedro, ch. 4: 33] Dispatch. Prompt settlement. [Pedro, ch. 13: 45-46] Desembargos do reino: affairs of the realm. [Pedro, ch. 14: 5] Casa do Desembargo: Court of Justice. [CKJ1, ch. 30]
Desembargador Magistrate. (FF, CW) Justice. Desembargador do Paço - High Court Justice [CKJ1, ch. 27]
Cortes Cortes. The Cortes was the national assembly, drawn from the nobility, the clergy and the commoners, the task of which was to advise the king on legislation. (CW)