Lançarote Pessanha, Admiral of Portugal

  1. Admiral to King Pedro and King Fernando of Portugal.
  2. Son of the Genoese Manuel Pessanha, originally Emanuele Pessagno,  appointed admiral by King Dinis of Portugal (c.1320).
  3. Admiral of the Portuguese fleet in charge of defending Lisbon when Enrique II of Castile invades Portugal for the second time (1373). He was accused of being a very poor leader, and acting cowardly avoiding attacking the Castilian fleet at a time when his own ships had the advantage over the enemy. As a consequence he loses his post of Admiral, which is given to João Afonso Telo, Queen Leonor's brother. [Fernando, ch. 74: 66-71]
Lançarote Peçanho

Chronicle entries in which Lançarote Pessanha, Admiral of Portugal appears:

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