
  1. Short spear; javelin. 
  2. Short spear used primarily to be thrown at the enemy.
  3. The dardo, a short spear to be thrown over relatively short distances, was a popular infatry weapon in the Iberian Peninsula. Accordin to Froissart, John of Gaunt was very appreciative of the Iberian skill of "jetter la darde". See: João Gouveia Monteiro,  A Guerra em Portugal nos finais da Idade Média (Lisbon: Editorial Notícias, 1998), p,538 quoting Jean Froissart, Chroniques, ed. Léon Mirot, Societé de l'Histoire de France (Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1931), tome 12, part 85, p. 264.
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