

  1. Crossbowman.
  2. Person, soldier or hunter whose weapon is a crossbow.
  3. The crossbowmen of the king were responsible for the sovereign's guard but could also serve as summary executioners when the occasion arose. This was common practice especially in Castile. See: Antonio Ferrer del Rio, Examen histórico-crítico del reinado de don Pedro de Castilla (Madrid: C. Monier, 1851), p. 28.
  4. Besteiro-mor: chief crossbowman. [Pedro, ch. 20: 53]


  1. Cortes.
  2. The Cortes was the national assembly, drawn from the nobility, the clergy and the commoners, the task of which was to advise the king on legislation. (CW)


  1. Riverboat.
  2. Skiff; scull.
  3. Small rowing boat, typically for a singe person.
  4. Batéis de naus: cutters; small ship's boats used to transport light cargo or passengers. [CKJ1, ch.116]



  1. Barge, boat.
  2. Barcas de Almada: barges from Almada. [Fernando, Prologue: 109]
  3. Ponte de barcas: bridge of boats. [Fernando, 35: 14]


  1. Galley. 
  2. Galé do haver / galee do aver : treasury galley. [Pedro, ch. 37: 46]
  3. Galé grossa: broad galley. [Pedro, ch. 15: 96; ch. 24: 62]



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