Social category

Homem bom

  1. Worthy man, worthy citizen; honourable man; notable man.
  2. Person entitled to inherit property among those who were not members of the nobility.


  1. Gentlewoman of the bedchamber.
  2. The same as cuvilheira.
  3. Gentlewoman of the bedchamber in charge of the cleanliness and good order of a noble person's room, bed, clothing, and of helping a noble person to dress or undress. See: Joaquim de Santa Rosa Viterbo,  Elucidário das palavras, termos e frases que em Portugal antigamente se usaram e que hoje regularmente se ignoram, v. 1, p. 239 (Lisboa : A. J. Fernandes Lopes, 1865). 


  1. Someone in a position of trust with someone else.
  2. Counsellor. [See: Armando Luis de Carvalho Homem, Conselho real ou conselheiros do rei? A propósito dos 'privados' de D. João I, offprint of Revista da Faculdade de Letras do Porto (Porto,1987), 26-30.]
  3. Confidential courtier; confidential adviser. (CW) [Pedro, ch. 30: 25]
  4. Private counsellor. [Pedro, ch.38: 31] (CW) [Fernando, ch. 49: 43; ch. 59: 8; CKJ1, ch.76]
  5. Privy counsellor. [Pedro, ch. 27: 20] (AH)


  1. Messer; master (in maritime context).
  2. See also: Micer. Both 'micé' and 'micer' seem to be used to address admirals.


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