
Ribault (Eng.)

  1. Small cannon.
  2. There is evidence that these small cannons were fired by the English at the siege of Calais (1346), during the Hundred Years' War. See: Baumgartner, Frederic J., Handarms and firearms (Salem Press Encyclopedia, January, 2015).

[NB: This English term was added to the glossary merely to help understand the range of piroballistic weapons already available during the later Middle-Ages.]


  1. The count of one million, usually applied to a given monetary denomination.
  2. In monetary terms, it came to mean the equivalent of one million maravedís. By the 1350s the maravedí as a currency was no longer in use, but it survived as a monetary accounting unit, i.e. a value of reference for other coins. 


  1. Officer (of the king or of a great lord).
  2. Generic term applied to officers responsible for the administration of the king's house or the king's estate, such as the Master of the Wardrobe, or the Chamberlain, for example.


  1. Gold.
  2. Ouro amoedado: coined gold. [Pedro, ch. 40: 52]
  3. Ouro em pasta: alluvial gold. [Fernando, ch. 37: 20]


  1. Tari; type of bit used in bridles for jennets, a lighter horse popular in the Middle Ages.
  2. Bibl:  Meleiro, Mário José Silva, '"Novidade de Pallavras" no Português do Século XV', Ph.D. thesis in Historical Linguistics (Universidade Clássica de Lisboa, 2011), ch. 3, p. 110.


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