

  1. Rampart.
  2. Defensive wall encircling a castle or city, usually wide enough to allow for a walkway on the top.


  1. Glaive.
  2. Polearm consisting of a long wooden pole topped by a long single-edged blade. It had a long reach, it was effective and inexpensive to produce, hence King Fernando's inclusion of this weapon in his 1373 ordinance. [Fernando, ch. 87: 62]

Pedra perdida

  1. Rubble.
  2. During the second Guerra Fernandina, King Enrique II of Castile ordered four siege engines to throw rubble, pedra perdida, at the walls of the besieged city of Lisbon (1373). [Fernando ch. 80: 45-47]

Ribaudekin (Eng.)

  1. Set of artillery equipment consiting of a series of smaller cannons fixed on a platform, often a whelled platform, and having the capability of firing almost simultaneously, used mainly during 15th-17th century.
  2. Large crossbow fixed to a wheeled base or to the walls of a fortress.
  3. The term comes from the French ribaut or ribaude.

[Obs: This English term has been added to the glossary merely asa reference, to help understand the range of piroballistic weapons available in the later Middle-Ages.]


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