


  1. Exiled; being in exile; being out of the king's favor.
  2. Being denied or deprived of the king's favor or love (amor) and its transformation into its opposite, the anger (ira regis) that prompted retaliation and royal punishment. (RCG)


  1. Barbuda.
  2. Silver billon coin called 'barbuda' because it featured a helmet know as 'barbuda'. These helmets resembled a beard, 'barba' in Portuguese.
  3. King Fernando of Portugal minted this type of coins in 1367-1383. [Information and photo from Portugal Moedas, at:]


  1. Jetty; jettied floor.
  2. Upper floor or storey of a medieval house extending beyond the floor below. This creates a sort of  upside down staircase effect, when each floor sticks further out than the floor below. See the attached picture of a house in Rua Direita, Chaves, N. Portugal.


  1. Gate (of walled city/town). [Pedro, 17: 183]
  2. Barricade, stockade; field with stockade or pavisade where crossbowmen were trained. [João2, ch.166]


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