Micer Master (in maritime context). [Pedro, ch. 37: 44] See also: Micé. Both 'micer' and 'micé' seem to be used to address admirals.
Haver (n.) Wealth. [Pedro, ch. 40: 34] Royal treasure. Azémolas do haver / azemellas do aver: packmules carrying the royal treasure. [Pedro, ch. 37: 41]
Rei de Portugal King of Portugal. 1357-1367: see Pedro I. 1367-1383: see Fernando. 1385-1433: see João I.
Fortaleza Guarrison. [Pedro, ch.36: 54] Fortress. [Pedro, ch. 40: 14] Stronghold. [Pedro, ch. 40: 25, 35; ch. 41: 42]