Pero Coelho AH > RCG

  1. (?-1361) Portuguese aristocrat and counselor of Afonso IV of Portugal.
  2. Accused of being responsible for the death of Inês de Castro, the mistress of Pedro of Portugal while still a prince. [Pedro, ch. 30: 15-23]
  3. Arrested in Castile and exchanged for other Castilian prisoners that were held by King Pedro of Portugal. [Pedro, ch. 30: 65-74]
  4. Executed in 1361 in a scene of cruel revenge that has become a symbol of how King Pedro’s character was prone to extremes. It can also be interpreted as an expression of the king's love for Inês de Castro, though Fernão Lopes is rather critical of this execution.  [Pedro, ch. 31: 96-101]

Chronicle entries in which Pero Coelho AH > RCG appears:

Crónica de D. Pedro, ch. 30: 19, 22, 50
Crónica de D. Pedro, ch. 31: 8, 72, 81-82, 91, 98
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