- Ruled from 1354-1359 and later from 1362-1391.
- Sent three galleys to join Pedro of Castile's fleet in the war against Aragon, June 1359. [Pedro, ch.24: 20]
- Mohammed V was ousted by his half-brother Ismail II in August 1359, but the latter only ruled till 1360 when, in his turn, he was overthrown by his brother-in-law Mohammed VI.
- The Nasrid dynasty of emirs was not free from rivalries, although Granada was ruled by twenty-three emirs from 1232 to 1492, when they surrendered to the Catholic monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella.
- Fernão Lopes states that Mohammed VI overthrew Mohammed V, but that must be on account of the very short reign of Ismail II, who only ruled a few months after ousting Mohammed V in August 1359.
- Sent 600 horsemen to assist Pedro of Castile in the war against Aragon. [Pedro, ch. 36: 49-50]
- Agreed ties of friendship with Enrique II of Castile, still during the life of Pedro I (1366). [Pedro, ch. 41: 37-38]
Maffoma de Graada
el-rrei de Graada