Juan Rodríguez de Biedma

  1. One of the most powerful Lords in Galicia, Lord of the House of Biedma and of Villanueva de los Infantes, Castrelo, Espinosa Aguiar de Moa, Ginzo, Gañade, Miño, Salar, Layas, la Portela, San Pedro de Leiroa, San matín de Avanides, Sotobernudl and San Salvador de Río de Frego, Alcaide de Monterrey and of Allariz. (See: Luis de Salazar e castro, Historia Genealogica de la Casa de Haro, vol. 15 (Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 1959), pp.184-185). 
  2. Married to Teresa de Orozco, and had a daughter called Elvira de Biedma.
  3. Initially he was the Chief Butler of King Pedro of Castile, but by 1353 he had fallen into disfavour and lost this post.
  4. Vassal of King Enrique II of Castile.
  5. Led an ambush on the Portuguese defenders of Barcelos during the second Guerra Fernandina (1374). [Fernando, ch. 78]
  6. Invades Portugal as a captain of the Castilian army led by the archbishop of Santiago. [CKJ1, ch. 117]
Joham Rrodriguez de Bema

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