Gutierre Fernández de Toledo

  1. Master of the wardrobe (reposteiro-mor) of Pedro of Castile in the castle of Alfaro, near Tudela (1360).
  2. Brother of Vasco Fernández de Toledo, Bishop of Palencia (1343) and later Archbishop of Toledo (1353).
  3. Captain of the war galleys sent by Pedro of Castile to Algeciras to harass Leonor Núñez de Guzmán and her retinue of friends and family because they had not gone to Seville to attend the funeral of Alfonso XI, as commanded by the new king. [Pedro, ch. 17: 60-61]
  4. Proctor of Pedro of Castile in the peace negotiations with Aragon, arranged by Cardinal Guy of Boulogne. [Pedro, ch. 26: 12-16]
  5. Beheaded by order of Pedro of Castile in 1360. [Pedro, ch. 32: 13-14, 23]
Goterre Fernandez de Tolledo

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