Garci Lasso de la Vega II

  1. (?-1351) Known as 'El Joven' because his father was Garci Lasso de la Vega 'El Viejo'. His mother was Juana de Castañeda.
  2. Reached the position of Adelantado of Castile, Provincial Governor of Castile, under the patronage of Juan Núñez de Lara.
  3. Was a gifted military man, held a high position in the court of Don Fadrique Alfonso of Castile, Master of Santiago and son of Alfonso XI of Castile and Leonor Núñez de Guzmán. This won him the enmity of Pedro of Castile who had him executed in 1351. [Pedro, ch. 17: 82-84]
Garcia Lasso da Veiga
Garcia Lasso

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