Alfonso Fernández Coronel

  1. (? - 1353) Held the city of Medina Sidonia for Leonor Núñez de Guzmán, Alfonso XI of Castile's mistress.
  2. When Alfonso XI died at the siege of Gibraltar, Alfonso Fernández Coronel handed the city over to Leonor de Guzmán and refused to hold it for her any longer. [Pedro, ch. 17: 26-29]
  3. Led a rebellion in Aguilar. Pedro of Castile besieged the town and had Alfonso Fernández Coronel and other fellow rebels executed: Pedro Coronel, who was Don Alfonso’s nephew, Juan González de Deza, Ponce Díaz de Quesada, Rodrigo Íñiguez de Biezma, and Juan Alfonso Carrillo (1353).
Affonsso Fernandez Coronell

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