- (? - 1353) Held the city of Medina Sidonia for Leonor Núñez de Guzmán, Alfonso XI of Castile's mistress.
- When Alfonso XI died at the siege of Gibraltar, Alfonso Fernández Coronel handed the city over to Leonor de Guzmán and refused to hold it for her any longer. [Pedro, ch. 17: 26-29]
- Led a rebellion in Aguilar. Pedro of Castile besieged the town and had Alfonso Fernández Coronel and other fellow rebels executed: Pedro Coronel, who was Don Alfonso’s nephew, Juan González de Deza, Ponce Díaz de Quesada, Rodrigo Íñiguez de Biezma, and Juan Alfonso Carrillo (1353).
Affonsso Fernandez Coronell