- First strong silver currency in Castile. Introduced by Pedro I of Castile in 1351, and remaining stable till the end of the reign on Juan II.
- In the days of Pedro I of Castile it became the basis of his monetary system with coins of 1, 2, 4 and 8 reales, and fractions of the real, such as 1/4 and 1/2 real.
- 1 real = 1/12 dobla = 3 maravedíes = 11 dineros = 70 marcos.
- 1 real de vellón = 1 maravedí.
- 1 real de prata = 4 maravedís. [Fernando, 50: 25-26]
- Bibl: Rodríguez Millan, Elina, y Vacas Madrid, David, 'Los reales de Pedro I y Enrique II y la falsificación monetária medieval', in Muñoz Serrulla, Maria Teresa, Estudios de Historia Monetaria (II), Ab Initio, No. 2 (2012), pp. 9-24; De Francisco Olmos, José María, 'La moneda de la Castilla bajo medieval. Medio de propaganda e instrumento económico', in II Jornadas Científicas sobre Documentación de la Corona de Castilla (siglos XIII-XV), Madrid, 2003, pp. 298-302.
Lexical Types:
Chronicle entries in which Real (Castilian coin) appears: