
  1. Godmother (of one's child).
  2. Co-mother.
  3. In the Catholic Church, the godmother became a second mother whose main role was to ensure the Christian upbringing of the child, and therefore the ‘comadre’ (‘co-mother’) of the parents. For ease of reading, in the English translation of Lopes's chronicles, we have opted for this the English term ‘co-mother’.
  4. Doña Constanza Manuel, the wife of King Pedro of Portugal, often called 'co-mother' to Dona Inês de Castro because she was the godmother of their first-born, Prince Luís, who died in infancy. [João1, ch. 187: 32, 29]
  5. According to the Roman Catholic Church, this special relationship between the parents and the godparents of a child create a close family link, which prevents anyone from marrying the godparent of his or her child. [João1, ch. 187: 47]
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