
Ordem de Santiago

  1. Religious Military Order established by Alfonso VIII of León and Castile in Uclés and approved by Pope Alexander III in 1174. Because of the location of  original headquarters, it was often known as the Order of Uclés.
  2. The Order of Santiago was a decisive factor in the wars against the Moors during the period of the Reconquest. When that role became less relevant they became involved in Castilian internal strife for power, becoming a lynchpin of the power of Castilian monarchs.


  1. Barbuda.
  2. Silver billon coin called 'barbuda' because it featured a helmet know as 'barbuda'. These helmets resembled a beard, 'barba' in Portuguese.
  3. King Fernando of Portugal minted this type of coins in 1367-1383. [Information and photo from Portugal Moedas, at:]


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