Esporão Ram, at water level or below, protruding from the bow of a warship to pierce the side of other ships. The same as 'talhamar'.
Talhamar Ram, at water level or below, protruding from the bow of a warship to pierce the side of other ships. The same as 'esporão'.
Comitre Officer in charge of the galley-slaves or convicted rowers in a galley. Bibl: Ignacio da Costa Quintella, Annaes da Marinha portugueza (Lisboa: Academia Real das Sciencias:1839), p. 8.
Chusma Team or crew of rowers in a galley. Bibl: Ignacio da Costa Quintella, Annaes da Marinha portugueza (Lisboa: Academia Real das Sciencias:1839), p. 8.