

  1. Falconer.
  2. Person who breeds, trains and cares for hawks and other birds of prey used in hunting.
  3. Person who practises the sport of hawking.

"... e vinham os falcoeiros e outros que de fazer aves tinham cuidado." [Fernando, Prologue]



  1. The female of a hawk or falcon. 
  2. Quote: "Quando mandava fora da terra por aves, não lhe traziam menos de cincoenta, entre açores e falcões nevris e girofalcos, todos primas." (Fernando, Prologue)
  3. Cultural note: in medieval times, female birds of prey were preferred, as they tended to be larger than males. These were known as "terçô" or "terçó" in Portuguese, and "tercel" in English, as they were about a third smaller in size than the female. 




  1. Scent hound, lyam-hound, lime-hound.
  2. 'Lyam-hound' and 'lime-hound' derive from the name of the leash, 'lyam', holding these hounds while they were searching for a scent.


  1. Hunting spear; javelin.
  2. Short spear  to be thrown when hunting big game.
  3. From the 13th century it was used by foot soldiers as a missile weapon, especially if there was a shortage of lances or spears. See: João Gouveia Monteiro,  A Guerra em Portugal nos finais da Idade Média (Lisbon: Editorial Notícias, 1998), p,532.
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