Protection device consisting of a wooden structure covered with uncured cow hides, clay or other flame-resistent materials, used to protect groups of soldiers attacking or undermining the wall of a castle at close quarters.
Fernão Lopes seems to use the word "engenho" as a generic term that can be applied to a range of siege engines employed to throw projectiles, usually stones, against or over castle walls. The term can include trebuchets, catapults or mangonels.
Enrique II of Castile called for four siege engines to assist in the 1373 siege of Lisbon. [Fernando, ch. 80: 46-47]
A mantle, usually of mail but sometimes of padded textile only or composed of small scales or plates of iron or steel, attached to the bascinet to protect the neck and shoulders. (TC)
Bibl: J. Gouveia Monteiro, A Guerra em Portugal em fins da Idade Média (Lisboa: Editorial Notícias, 1998), p. 535.