- Eleventh-century hermit from near Burgos, northern Spain, who was later consecrated priest. He dedicated his life to improving the 'causeway' used by the pilgrims to the sanctuary of St. James in Compostela by building a bridge, a church and a hospital, which included a hostel for the pilgrims to rest. As causeway is a 'calzada' in Spanish, he became known as Santo Domingo de la Calzada, and the location of his church and hospital too. This is still a port of call for twenty-first century pilgrims.
- To Santo Domingo are attributed many miracles. In the Chronicle of King Pedro of Portugal, a cleric warns King Pedro of the danger posed by his half-brother Enrique, claiming to have received the message from Santo Domingo in a dream. The warning creates tension in the narrative, as the warrying parties are about to meet in the impending battle of Nájera (1367). [Pedro, ch 26: 28, 31]
Sam Domingos
São Domingos