Pedro Núñez de Guzmán AH -> RCG

  1. Chief Provincial Governor of León (Adelantado-mayor), Lord of Aviados. [See: Salazar y Castro, L. de (1697) Historia genealogica de la Casa de Lara (Madrid), Tomo III, Libro XVI, cap. XI, p. 71, cited in Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, 2000-2012, 'Castile & León Nobility (2)',  consulted on 2-23-2013] 
  2. Married Sancha Rodríguez de Asturias, daughter of Rodrígo Álvarez de Asturias and Juana Fernández de Saldaña.
  3. Pedro Núñez de Guzmán left Castile and sought refuge in Portugal in order to escape the persecution that Pedro of Castile was leading against the Guzmán family, relatives of Leonor Núñez de Guzmán, the deceased Alfonso XI's long-term mistress. [Pedro, ch. 30: 48-49]
Pedro Nunez de Gozman
QUESTION: Is this the correct identification, or is this Pedro Alfonso, the youngest son of Leonor de Guzmán and AlfonsoXI? Whoever this person was, he was Adelantado Mayor of León, according to FL..

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