- (1316-1384) Also known as Fernando Alfonso de Valencia.
- Was a faithful supporter of Pedro I of Castile. After this monarch was killed, Fernando Alfonso went into exile in England (1373-1381) remaining at the service of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and his wife Constanza of Castile, pretenders to the Castilian throne.
- He later became a trusted member of the court of King Fernando and Queen Leonor Teles and received many estates from the Portuguese monarchs.
- After King Fernando died, Fernando Alfonso de Zamora changed sides between the Master of Avis and Juan I of Castile, both bidding for the Portuguese crown, and finally died of the plague during the siege of Lisbon in 1384.
- According to Fernão Lopes, Fernando Alfonso was at the Portuguese court when Count João Fernandes Andeiro was murdered (1383). [CKJ1, ch. 9]
- BIBLIOGRAPHY: Fernandes, Fátima Regina, “Os exilados castelhanos no reinado de Fernando I de Portugal.” In En la España Medieval. 23 (2000), pp. 101-115.
FernamdAfomsso de Çamora
Fernando Afonso de Samora