Fernando Alfonso de Zamora

  1. (1316-1384) Also known as Fernando Alfonso de Valencia.
  2. Was a faithful supporter of Pedro I of Castile. After this monarch was killed, Fernando Alfonso went into exile in England (1373-1381) remaining at the service of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and his wife Constanza of Castile, pretenders to the Castilian throne.
  3. He later became a trusted member of the court of King Fernando and Queen Leonor Teles and received many estates from the Portuguese monarchs.
  4. After King Fernando died, Fernando Alfonso de Zamora changed sides between the Master of Avis and Juan I of Castile, both bidding for the Portuguese crown, and finally died of the plague during the siege of Lisbon in 1384.
  5. According to Fernão Lopes, Fernando Alfonso was at the Portuguese court when Count João Fernandes Andeiro was murdered (1383). [CKJ1, ch. 9]
  6. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Fernandes, Fátima Regina, “Os exilados castelhanos no reinado de Fernando I de Portugal.” In En la España Medieval. 23 (2000), pp. 101-115.




FernamdAfomsso de Çamora
Fernando Afonso de Samora

Chronicle entries in which Fernando Alfonso de Zamora appears:

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