Alvar Pérez de Guzmán

  1. This person in chapter 17 of the Chronicle of King Pedro of Portugal is difficult to identify.
  2. Possibly, this Alvar Pérez de Guzmán is an uncle of Leonor Núñez de Guzmán, because Fernão Lopes implies that he is one of Doña Leonor's relatives who decided to keep away from Pedro of Castile during the funeral of his father, Alfonso XI, in Seville. They feared being arrested when they left Leonor's city of Medina Sidonia, and went to Morán,  a city belonging to Pero Ponce de León, istead of following the king to Seville. [Pedro, ch. 17: 42-52]
  3. The grandfather of Leonor Núñez de Guzmán was also called Alvar Pérez de Guzmán, married to María González Girón. They had several children: Pedro Núñez, Doña Leonor's father, Alvar Pérez, Alonso Pérez and María Álvarez. This Alvar Pérez de Guzmán is possibly the person referred by Fernão Lopes. See: Todoavante, 'Biografia de Don Alvar Pérez de Guzmán y Ferrer, Almirante de Castilla, Alcaide de las atarazanas reales de Sevilla', Historia Naval de España, consulted in February 7, 2013. The author bases himself on a property deed from the convent of the Holy Trinity in Seville, which lists the genealogy of the Guzmán family and also on Diego Ortiz de Zuñiga's Anales eclesiásticos y seculares de la Muy Noble y Muy Leal ciudad de Sevilla (Guadalquivir S.L.: 1988), facsimile edition of the Imprenta Real, Madrid, 1795-1887.
Alvoro Perez de Gozmam

Chronicle entries in which Alvar Pérez de Guzmán appears:

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